We consider Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as an alternative that allows us to move from conventional agriculture to sustainable agriculture, where chemical control is the last option for crop protection in Agroindustrial Beta. We implement within our IPM biological, ethological and cultural control practices.
At Agroindustrial Beta, we have implemented a Solid Waste Management Plan in each of our operations. We consider policies, procedures and activities aimed at ensuring responsible management of the solid waste generated in our processes. This plan contemplates the segregation, collection, temporary storage until the transfer to the collection center and final disposal of waste.
To guarantee our commitment to the environment, we have environmental monitoring programs and compliance reports aligned with our environmental management instruments, approved by the Directorate of Agricultural Environmental Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
We are committed to the preservation of biological diversity in our fields. We carry out flora and fauna periodic monitoring, complemented with conservation plans to establish preventive measures for the protection of native species and preservation of our ecological zones.